Binational Conservation &

Restoration Fund

The Binational Conservation & Restoration Fund offers returnable grants for water-saving practices on small farms in the Mexicali Valley, creating essential environmental water to restore the Colorado River Delta. This initiative is a collaboration with Restauremos El Colorado A.C and El Centro Luken de Estrategias en Agua y Medio Ambiente.

Restoring the Colorado River Delta

Once nearly destroyed by upstream dams and agriculture, the Colorado River Delta is coming back to life thanks to a 25-year, binational restoration led by NGOs. Supported by landmark U.S.-Mexico agreements, this initiative now has access to crucial resources and water. Under this framework, Mexican NGOs can store conserved water in U.S. reservoirs, ensuring water delivery to the Delta and boosting its resilience against climate change.

Restauremos, Luken, and local NGOs are partnering with small farmers in the Mexicali Valley on silvopasture, low-water crop conversion, and conservation projects that create economic opportunities while securing water for Delta restoration. In 2023, these NGOs teamed up with BlueCommons and Business for Water Stewardship to fund these efforts and store conserved water in U.S. reservoirs for future Delta delivery. The Binational Fund drives these agricultural projects, creating Water Benefits for corporate purchase, which replenishes the fund and fuels ongoing projects.